Application code

In this section you will find the code for entire app.go file.

package abci

import (


	abci ""
	cryptoencoding ""

const (
	ApplicationVersion = 1
	CurseWordsLimitVE  = 10

type ForumApp struct {
	valAddrToPubKeyMap map[string]crypto.PublicKey
	CurseWords         string
	state              AppState
	onGoingBlock       *badger.Txn
	logger             log.Logger

func NewForumApp(dbDir string, appConfigPath string, logger log.Logger) (*ForumApp, error) {
	db, err := model.NewDB(dbDir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initializing database: %w", err)
	cfg, err := LoadConfig(appConfigPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading config file: %w", err)

	cfg.CurseWords = DeduplicateCurseWords(cfg.CurseWords)

	state, err := loadState(db)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Reading the validators from the DB because CometBFT expects the application to have them in memory
	valMap := make(map[string]crypto.PublicKey)
	validators, err := state.DB.GetValidators()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't load validators: %w", err)
	for _, v := range validators {
		pubKey, err := cryptoencoding.PubKeyFromTypeAndBytes(v.PubKeyType, v.PubKeyBytes)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't decode public key: %w", err)

		valMap[string(pubKey.Address())] = pubKey

	return &ForumApp{
		state:              state,
		valAddrToPubKeyMap: valMap,
		CurseWords:         cfg.CurseWords,
		logger:             logger,
	}, nil

// Info return application information.
func (app *ForumApp) Info(_ context.Context, _ *abci.InfoRequest) (*abci.InfoResponse, error) {
	return &abci.InfoResponse{
		Version:         version.ABCIVersion,
		AppVersion:      ApplicationVersion,
		LastBlockHeight: app.state.Height,

		LastBlockAppHash: app.state.Hash(),
	}, nil

// Query the application state for specific information.
func (app *ForumApp) Query(_ context.Context, query *abci.QueryRequest) (*abci.QueryResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application Query")

	resp := abci.QueryResponse{Key: query.Data}

	// Parse sender from query data
	sender := string(query.Data)

	if sender == "history" {
		messages, err := model.FetchHistory(app.state.DB)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		resp.Log = messages
		resp.Value = []byte(messages)

		return &resp, nil
	// Retrieve all message sent by the sender
	messages, err := model.GetMessagesBySender(app.state.DB, sender)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Convert the messages to JSON and return as query result
	resultBytes, err := json.Marshal(messages)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	resp.Log = string(resultBytes)
	resp.Value = resultBytes

	return &resp, nil

// CheckTx handles validation of inbound transactions. If a transaction is not a valid message, or if a user
// does not exist in the database or if a user is banned it returns an error.
func (app *ForumApp) CheckTx(_ context.Context, req *abci.CheckTxRequest) (*abci.CheckTxResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application CheckTx")

	// Parse the tx message
	msg, err := model.ParseMessage(req.Tx)
	if err != nil {
		app.logger.Info("CheckTx: failed to parse transaction message", "message", msg, "error", err)
		return &abci.CheckTxResponse{Code: CodeTypeInvalidTxFormat, Log: "Invalid transaction", Info: err.Error()}, nil

	// Check for invalid sender
	if len(msg.Sender) == 0 {
		app.logger.Info("CheckTx: failed to parse transaction message", "message", msg, "error", "Sender is missing")
		return &abci.CheckTxResponse{Code: CodeTypeInvalidTxFormat, Log: "Invalid transaction", Info: "Sender is missing"}, nil

	app.logger.Debug("searching for sender", "sender", msg.Sender)
	u, err := app.state.DB.FindUserByName(msg.Sender)

	if err != nil {
		if !errors.Is(err, badger.ErrKeyNotFound) {
			app.logger.Error("CheckTx: Error in check tx", "tx", string(req.Tx), "error", err)
			return &abci.CheckTxResponse{Code: CodeTypeEncodingError, Log: "Invalid transaction", Info: err.Error()}, nil
		app.logger.Info("CheckTx: Sender not found", "sender", msg.Sender)
	} else if u != nil && u.Banned {
		return &abci.CheckTxResponse{Code: CodeTypeBanned, Log: "Invalid transaction", Info: "User is banned"}, nil
	app.logger.Info("CheckTx: success checking tx", "message", msg.Message, "sender", msg.Sender)
	return &abci.CheckTxResponse{Code: CodeTypeOK, Log: "Valid transaction", Info: "Transaction validation succeeded"}, nil

// Consensus Connection

// InitChain initializes the blockchain with information sent from CometBFT such as validators or consensus parameters.
func (app *ForumApp) InitChain(_ context.Context, req *abci.InitChainRequest) (*abci.InitChainResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application InitChain")

	for _, v := range req.Validators {
		err := app.updateValidator(v)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	appHash := app.state.Hash()

	// This parameter can also be set in the genesis file
	req.ConsensusParams.Feature.VoteExtensionsEnableHeight.Value = 1
	return &abci.InitChainResponse{ConsensusParams: req.ConsensusParams, AppHash: appHash}, nil

// PrepareProposal is used to prepare a proposal for the next block in the blockchain. The application can re-order, remove
// or add transactions.
func (app *ForumApp) PrepareProposal(_ context.Context, req *abci.PrepareProposalRequest) (*abci.PrepareProposalResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application PrepareProposal")

	// Get the curse words from for all vote extensions received at the end of last height.
	voteExtensionCurseWords := app.getWordsFromVe(req.LocalLastCommit.Votes)

	curseWords := strings.Split(voteExtensionCurseWords, "|")
	if hasDuplicateWords(curseWords) {
		return nil, errors.New("duplicate words found")

	// Prepare req puts the BanTx first, then adds the other transactions
	// ProcessProposal should verify this
	proposedTxs := make([][]byte, 0)
	finalProposal := make([][]byte, 0)
	bannedUsersString := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, tx := range req.Txs {
		msg, err := model.ParseMessage(tx)
		if err != nil {
			// this should never happen since the tx should have been validated by CheckTx
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal tx in PrepareProposal: %w", err)
		// Adding the curse words from vote extensions too
		if !hasCurseWord(msg.Message, voteExtensionCurseWords) {
			proposedTxs = append(proposedTxs, tx)
		// If the message contains curse words then ban the user by
		// creating a "ban transaction" and adding it to the final proposal
		banTx := model.BanTx{UserName: msg.Sender}
		bannedUsersString[msg.Sender] = struct{}{}
		resultBytes, err := json.Marshal(banTx)
		if err != nil {
			// this should never happen since the ban tx should have been validated by CheckTx
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal ban tx in PrepareProposal: %w", err)
		finalProposal = append(finalProposal, resultBytes)

	// Need to loop again through the proposed Txs to make sure there is none left by a user that was banned
	// after the tx was accepted
	for _, tx := range proposedTxs {
		// there should be no error here as these are just transactions we have checked and added
		msg, err := model.ParseMessage(tx)
		if err != nil {
			// this should never happen since the tx should have been validated by CheckTx
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal tx in PrepareProposal: %w", err)
		// If the user is banned then include this transaction in the final proposal
		if _, ok := bannedUsersString[msg.Sender]; !ok {
			finalProposal = append(finalProposal, tx)
	return &abci.PrepareProposalResponse{Txs: finalProposal}, nil

// ProcessProposal validates the proposed block and the transactions and return a status if it was accepted or rejected.
func (app *ForumApp) ProcessProposal(_ context.Context, req *abci.ProcessProposalRequest) (*abci.ProcessProposalResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application ProcessProposal")

	bannedUsers := make(map[string]struct{}, 0)

	finishedBanTxIdx := len(req.Txs)
	for i, tx := range req.Txs {
		if !isBanTx(tx) {
			finishedBanTxIdx = i
		var parsedBan model.BanTx
		err := json.Unmarshal(tx, &parsedBan)
		if err != nil {
			return &abci.ProcessProposalResponse{Status: abci.PROCESS_PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECT}, err
		bannedUsers[parsedBan.UserName] = struct{}{}

	for _, tx := range req.Txs[finishedBanTxIdx:] {
		// From this point on, there should be no BanTxs anymore
		// If there is one, ParseMessage will return an error as the
		// format of the two transactions is different.
		msg, err := model.ParseMessage(tx)
		if err != nil {
			return &abci.ProcessProposalResponse{Status: abci.PROCESS_PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECT}, err
		if _, ok := bannedUsers[msg.Sender]; ok {
			// sending us a tx from a banned user
			return &abci.ProcessProposalResponse{Status: abci.PROCESS_PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECT}, nil
	return &abci.ProcessProposalResponse{Status: abci.PROCESS_PROPOSAL_STATUS_ACCEPT}, nil

// FinalizeBlock Deliver the decided block to the Application.
func (app *ForumApp) FinalizeBlock(_ context.Context, req *abci.FinalizeBlockRequest) (*abci.FinalizeBlockResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application FinalizeBlock")

	// Iterate over Tx in current block
	app.onGoingBlock = app.state.DB.GetDB().NewTransaction(true)
	respTxs := make([]*abci.ExecTxResult, len(req.Txs))
	finishedBanTxIdx := len(req.Txs)
	for i, tx := range req.Txs {
		var err error

		if !isBanTx(tx) {
			finishedBanTxIdx = i
		banTx := new(model.BanTx)
		err = json.Unmarshal(tx, &banTx)
		if err != nil {
			// since we did this in ProcessProposal this should never happen here
			return nil, err
		err = UpdateOrSetUser(app.state.DB, banTx.UserName, true, app.onGoingBlock)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		respTxs[i] = &abci.ExecTxResult{Code: CodeTypeOK}

	for idx, tx := range req.Txs[finishedBanTxIdx:] {
		// From this point on, there should be no BanTxs anymore
		// If there is one, ParseMessage will return an error as the
		// format of the two transactions is different.
		msg, err := model.ParseMessage(tx)
		i := idx + finishedBanTxIdx
		if err != nil {
			// since we did this in ProcessProposal this should never happen here
			return nil, err

		// Check if this sender already existed; if not, add the user too
		err = UpdateOrSetUser(app.state.DB, msg.Sender, false, app.onGoingBlock)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// Add the message for this sender
		message, err := model.AppendToExistingMessages(app.state.DB, *msg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = app.onGoingBlock.Set([]byte(msg.Sender+"msg"), []byte(message))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		chatHistory, err := model.AppendToChat(app.state.DB, *msg)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// Append messages to chat history
		err = app.onGoingBlock.Set([]byte("history"), []byte(chatHistory))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// This adds the user to the DB, but the data is not committed nor persisted until Commit is called
		respTxs[i] = &abci.ExecTxResult{Code: abci.CodeTypeOK}
	app.state.Height = req.Height

	response := &abci.FinalizeBlockResponse{TxResults: respTxs, AppHash: app.state.Hash()}
	return response, nil

// Commit the application state.
func (app *ForumApp) Commit(_ context.Context, _ *abci.CommitRequest) (*abci.CommitResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application Commit")

	if err := app.onGoingBlock.Commit(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err := saveState(&app.state)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &abci.CommitResponse{}, nil

// ExtendVote returns curse words as vote extensions.
func (app *ForumApp) ExtendVote(_ context.Context, _ *abci.ExtendVoteRequest) (*abci.ExtendVoteResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application ExtendVote")

	return &abci.ExtendVoteResponse{VoteExtension: []byte(app.CurseWords)}, nil

// VerifyVoteExtension verifies the vote extensions and ensure they include the curse words
// It will not be called for extensions generated by this validator.
func (app *ForumApp) VerifyVoteExtension(_ context.Context, req *abci.VerifyVoteExtensionRequest) (*abci.VerifyVoteExtensionResponse, error) {
	app.logger.Info("Executing Application VerifyVoteExtension")

	if _, ok := app.valAddrToPubKeyMap[string(req.ValidatorAddress)]; !ok {
		// we do not have a validator with this address mapped; this should never happen
		return nil, errors.New("unknown validator")

	curseWords := strings.Split(string(req.VoteExtension), "|")
	if hasDuplicateWords(curseWords) {
		return &abci.VerifyVoteExtensionResponse{Status: abci.VERIFY_VOTE_EXTENSION_STATUS_REJECT}, nil

	// ensure vote extension curse words limit has not been exceeded
	if len(curseWords) > CurseWordsLimitVE {
		return &abci.VerifyVoteExtensionResponse{Status: abci.VERIFY_VOTE_EXTENSION_STATUS_REJECT}, nil
	return &abci.VerifyVoteExtensionResponse{Status: abci.VERIFY_VOTE_EXTENSION_STATUS_ACCEPT}, nil

// getWordsFromVE gets the curse words from the vote extensions as one string, the words are concatenated using a '|'
// this method also ensures there are no duplicate curse words in the final set returned.
func (app *ForumApp) getWordsFromVe(voteExtensions []abci.ExtendedVoteInfo) string {
	curseWordMap := make(map[string]int)
	for _, vote := range voteExtensions {
		// This code gets the curse words and makes sure that we do not add them more than once
		// Thus ensuring each validator only adds one word once
		curseWords := strings.Split(string(vote.GetVoteExtension()), "|")

		for _, word := range curseWords {
			if count, ok := curseWordMap[word]; !ok {
				curseWordMap[word] = 1
			} else {
				curseWordMap[word] = count + 1
	app.logger.Info("Processed vote extensions", "curse_words", curseWordMap)
	majority := len(app.valAddrToPubKeyMap) / 3 // We define the majority to be at least 1/3 of the validators;

	voteExtensionCurseWords := ""
	for word, count := range curseWordMap {
		if count > majority {
			if voteExtensionCurseWords == "" {
				voteExtensionCurseWords = word
			} else {
				voteExtensionCurseWords += "|" + word
	return voteExtensionCurseWords

// hasDuplicateWords detects if there are duplicate words in the slice.
func hasDuplicateWords(words []string) bool {
	wordMap := make(map[string]struct{})

	for _, word := range words {
		wordMap[word] = struct{}{}

	return len(words) != len(wordMap)

*Explanation of code:

The state of the app is stored in an AppState struct which contains the current height, hash and a BadgerDB instance.

The InitChain function initializes the validators from the CometBFT response and loads the initial state.

For explanation of other functions like PrepareProposal, ProcessProposal, FinalizeBlock, VoteExtension and VerifyVoteExtensions please refer to previous sections.

In the next session, you will learn how to run the application

Decorative Orb