
A mempool (a contraction of memory and pool) is a node’s data structure for storing information on uncommitted transactions. It acts as a sort of waiting room for transactions that have not yet been committed.

CometBFT currently supports two types of mempools: flood and nop.

1. Flood

The flood mempool stores transactions in a concurrent linked list. When a new transaction is received, it first checks if there’s a space for it (size and max_txs_bytes config options) and that it’s not too big (max_tx_bytes config option). Then, it checks if this transaction has already been seen before by using an LRU cache (cache_size regulates the cache’s size). If all checks pass and the transaction is not in the cache (meaning it’s new), the ABCI CheckTxAsync method is called. The ABCI application validates the transaction using its own rules.

If the transaction is deemed valid by the ABCI application, it’s added to the linked list.

The mempool’s name (flood) comes from the dissemination mechanism. When a new transaction is added to the linked list, the mempool sends it to all connected peers. Peers themselves gossip this transaction to their peers and so on. One can say that each transaction “floods” the network, hence the name flood.

Note there are experimental config options experimental_max_gossip_connections_to_persistent_peers and experimental_max_gossip_connections_to_non_persistent_peers to limit the number of peers a transaction is broadcasted to. Also, you can turn off broadcasting with broadcast config option.

After each committed block, CometBFT rechecks all uncommitted transactions (can be disabled with the recheck config option) by repeatedly calling the ABCI CheckTxAsync.

Transaction ordering

Currently, there’s no ordering of transactions other than the order they’ve arrived (via RPC or from other nodes).

So the only way to specify the order is to send them to a single node.


If the transactions are split up across different nodes, there’s no way to ensure they are processed in the expected order.



If valB is the proposer, the order might be:

If valA is the proposer, the order might be:

That said, if the transactions contain some internal value, like an order/nonce/sequence number, the application can reject transactions that are out of order. So if a node receives tx3, then tx1, it can reject tx3 and then accept tx1. The sender can then retry sending tx3, which should probably be rejected until the node has seen tx2.

2. Nop

nop (short for no operation) mempool is used when the ABCI application developer wants to build their own mempool. When type = "nop", transactions are not stored anywhere and are not gossiped to other peers using the P2P network.

Submitting a transaction via the existing RPC methods (BroadcastTxSync, BroadcastTxAsync, and BroadcastTxCommit) will always result in an error.

Because there’s no way for the consensus to know if transactions are available to be committed, the node will always create blocks, which can be empty sometimes. Using consensus.create_empty_blocks=false is prohibited in such cases.

The ABCI application becomes responsible for storing, disseminating, and proposing transactions using PrepareProposal. The concrete design is up to the ABCI application developers.

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