
A proposal was made in ADR-101 to introduce new gRPC endpoints that can be used by an external application to fetch data from the node and to control which data is pruned by the node.

The Data Companion pruning service allows users to keep only the necessary data on the node, enabling more efficient storage management and improved performance of the node. With this new service, users can have greater control over their pruning mechanism and therefore better ability to optimize the node’s storage.

The new pruning service allows granular control of what can be pruned such as blocks and state, ABCI results (if enabled), block indexer data and transaction indexer data.

By also using the new gRPC services, it’s possible now to retrieve data from the node, such as block and block results in a more efficient way.

The gRPC services document provides practical information and insights that will guide you through the process of using these services in order to create a Data Companion service.

Decorative Orb