
This document explains how CometBFT Peers are identified and how they connect to one another.

Peer Identity

CometBFT peers are expected to maintain long-term persistent identities in the form of a public key. Each peer has an ID defined as peer.ID == peer.PubKey.Address(), where Address uses the scheme defined in crypto package.

A single peer ID can have multiple IP addresses associated with it, but a node will only ever connect to one at a time.

When attempting to connect to a peer, we use the PeerURL: <ID>@<IP>:<PORT>. We will attempt to connect to the peer at IP:PORT, and verify, via authenticated encryption, that it is in possession of the private key corresponding to <ID>. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks on the peer layer.


All p2p connections use TCP. Upon establishing a successful TCP connection with a peer, two handshakes are performed: one for authenticated encryption, and one for CometBFT versioning. Both handshakes have configurable timeouts (they should complete quickly).

Authenticated Encryption Handshake

CometBFT implements the Station-to-Station protocol using X25519 keys for Diffie-Helman key-exchange and chacha20poly1305 for encryption.

Previous versions of this protocol (0.32 and below) suffered from malleability attacks whereas an active man in the middle attacker could compromise confidentiality as described in Prime, Order Please! Revisiting Small Subgroup and Invalid Curve Attacks on Protocols using Diffie-Hellman.

We have added dependency on the Merlin a keccak based transcript hashing protocol to ensure non-malleability.

It goes as follows:

If this is an outgoing connection (we dialed the peer) and we used a peer ID, then finally verify that the peer’s persistent public key corresponds to the peer ID we dialed, ie. peer.PubKey.Address() == <ID>.

The connection has now been authenticated. All traffic is encrypted.

Note: only the dialer can authenticate the identity of the peer, but this is what we care about since when we join the network we wish to ensure we have reached the intended peer (and are not being MITMd).

Peer Filter

Before continuing, we check if the new peer has the same ID as ourselves or an existing peer. If so, we disconnect.

We also check the peer’s address and public key against an optional whitelist which can be managed through the ABCI app - if the whitelist is enabled and the peer does not qualify, the connection is terminated.

CometBFT Version Handshake

The CometBFT Version Handshake allows the peers to exchange their NodeInfo:

type NodeInfo struct {
  Version    p2p.Version
  ID         p2p.ID
  ListenAddr string

  Network    string
  SoftwareVersion    string
  Channels   []int8

  Moniker    string
  Other      NodeInfoOther

type Version struct {
 P2P uint64
 Block uint64
 App uint64

type NodeInfoOther struct {
 TxIndex          string
 RPCAddress       string

The connection is disconnected if:

At this point, if we have not disconnected, the peer is valid. It is added to the switch and hence all reactors via the AddPeer method. Note that each reactor may handle multiple channels.

Connection Activity

Once a peer is added, incoming messages for a given reactor are handled through that reactor’s Receive method, and output messages are sent directly by the Reactors on each peer. A typical reactor maintains per-peer go-routine(s) that handle this.

Decorative Orb