Light clients are an important part of the complete blockchain system for most applications. CometBFT provides unique speed and security properties for light client applications.
See our light package.
The objective of the light client protocol is to get a commit for a recent block hash where the commit includes a majority of signatures from the last known validator set. From there, all the application state is verifiable with merkle proofs.
One way to obtain semi-trusted hash & height is to query multiple full nodes and compare their hashes:
$ curl -s | jq "{height: .result.signed_header.header.height, hash: .result.signed_header.commit.block_id.hash}"
"height": "273",
"hash": "188F4F36CBCD2C91B57509BBF231C777E79B52EE3E0D90D06B1A25EB16E6E23D"
CometBFT comes with a built-in cometbft light
command, which can be used
to run a light client proxy server, verifying CometBFT RPC. All calls that
can be tracked back to a block header by a proof will be verified before
passing them back to the caller. Other than that, it will present the same
interface as a full CometBFT node.
You can start the light client proxy server by running cometbft light <chainID>
with a variety of flags to specify the primary node, the witness nodes (which cross-check
the information provided by the primary), the hash and height of the trusted header,
and more.
For example:
$ cometbft light supernova -p tcp:// \
-w tcp://,tcp:// \
--height=10 --hash=37E9A6DD3FA25E83B22C18835401E8E56088D0D7ABC6FD99FCDC920DD76C1C57
For additional options, run cometbft light --help