How the Application Works

For the sake of simplicity, we will not be developing a fully functioning Forum Application. In our tutorial, we will focus on sender and messages and the censorship of ill-behaved forum users.

The Forum Application accepts sender and message as input and checks if the sender has been banned or not. If the sender is banned, it cannot send a message on the Forum.

If the sender is not banned, the message is checked for any curse words. If the message contains any curse words, the sender is banned. If not, the message is persisted in the application state.

Note: Curse words are defined in genesis, a copy of which is available with all nodes. To add a new curse word, the node must use VoteExtension

Application Structure

In order to follow this tutorial, you can refer to the folder that hosts the finished ABCI 2.0 Forum Application.

Here is an example of how the tutorial directory is structured:

In the next session, you will learn more about how a user can send a message in the ABCI 2.0 Forum Application.

Decorative Orb